A Day After Corona

Nadia Wahyu Savitri
4 min readApr 4, 2020
Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

Imagine, after coronavirus hits globally as a pandemic, what we’ll do next? have you ever imagined it?

All television, channels, social media just talking about what it’s doing to the globe, to us, to companies, to workers, to everyone. The markets break down, many peoples lost their jobs, when distances matters, and once we missed socializing and seeing real people.

Hangout to the mall or cafe, playing outside without worry, and lots of daily things we missed during this coronavirus pandemic.

And here are the rationale, I wrote this text. To remind you, positively, what every day after coronavirus we’ll see.

The Value of Being Socialized

Who knew to be outside is one in all something we missed the most? Seeing grass, hearing honking from vehicles, taking public transportation to figure, and as simple as hugging our loved ones. We’re visiting rebel against technology in any case of this over. Talking and meeting were held via an application. Hanging within the mall goes to beat by “You wanna Zoom?”.

Nature gives us another perspective; it reunites us with our own attribute and what we were placed on this shiny planet to try and do. To became more human. To test us, this can be the way you must do once you socialize. to form us think, talking and laughing while you’re hanging out along with your friends could be a way that humans should do instead of busy with our gadgets. to form us realized how important ‘real’ socializing is.

The Value of Handshake and Hug

Coronavirus distances folks everywhere the globe. Social distancing and physical distancing are giving a replacement vocabulary to our dictionary and our brain, that this can be a way to being part to avoid wasting the human.

Humans are never visiting hug the identical way again. they’re going to look differently about this. The value. The important. In Indonesia, many peoples leave from their hometown to city for work, for seeking a much better life. Coronavirus successfully distances us from our parents, our family.

Lockdown is prioritized to safeguard them from this virus. Handshake became something we’ll ignore this point. Hand sanitizer able to bridges all. Handwashing will become one in all the oldest things we do, and that we rely upon it. Hug will become something so valuable. in any case this corona pandemic, I will be able to hug everyone. Reconnect the people I care about the foremost with hug and handshakes.

Working From Home is Working

Coronavirus push companies to think and show that working from home works. No one will ever see freelancers or employees who work from home as lazy human beings. When this is all over, you’ll no longer need to be embarrassed when telling your team you’re working from home.

Thankfully, coronavirus is forcing us to change the way we work and this is a blessing in disguise for entrepreneurs, stay at home parents, remote workers, freelancers — and peoples that want to sit at home in their Pj’s with a dress shirt on and nothing but underwear below, while on a video call with a client as a guilty your honor.

Earth is Breathing

Meanwhile, we fight coronavirus, we lockdown ourselves, all institutions and laboratories try to find the cures for this pandemic. Earth is breathing. Did you realize the sky becomes bluer than ever, suddenly we sun-bath every 10 am within the morning just to induce fat-soluble vitamin, or breath just fine within the morning?

Earth is self-healing. Trying to safeguard its human once more by, slowly but surely, closing the ozone holes. try and remind us, Earth is your master, not guests as we always do to earth by destroying all resources that Earth’s have. Oxygen became an upscale commodity that we’ll fight for it.

Remember humans, We are Earth’s guests, not their masters. We got nothing if being arrogant and unaware of Earth’s situations. Economics is fallen, Healthcare becomes something we fight for, Safety becomes something we trying to find, and where are you humanity after all? Gone.

Please remember, you may become an arrogant or ignorant person, in any case, this pandemic. But never test God yet another time. What if we didn’t have a chance? To saying goodbyes, To hug people we loved, to mention sorry to the people we hurt, To ask repentance to God. What If?

Think clearly. Back to zero square everyone. Reset all. Start with doing something good. To human. To Earth. within the name of humanity. within the name of what you believed.

